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Welcome to Toucanet Academy for Passionate Pursuits (TAPP)​​

where every student's unique gifts are nurtured and celebrated.​

TAPP Into Your Child's

2e Strengths!

Why TAPP into Strengths for your child?


Small School Magic

Small niche specialty schools offer tailored learning environments that cater to the unique needs of twice-exceptional children, fostering their strengths while providing support for challenges, promoting both growth and confidence.


Unparalleled Teaching Team

Committed and caring educators who are supported with resources, extensive and recurring training and administrators who remain in the classroom with the students allows the TAPP team to be the most educated and responsive specialized 2e educators in the South East.

Personalized Learning with No Limits, in a Collaborative Space

TAPP students may be working many years above grade level in some areas. Access to high school curriculum and instruction while still being with age-level peers allows for Advanced Academics without having to accelerate by grade level. Core skill learning is targeted to each students proximal zone of academic development, while highly-engaging thematic project-based learning hones and develops a social learning model that keeps students connected to other learners.

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Dr. Susan Baum, one of the founding researchers and educators in the Twice-Exceptional learning movement, presented at a recent summit to the Nation al Talent Centre of the Netherlands on  "5 Key Pieces to the 2e Puzzle"


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